eLearning CALYPSO Logics Competence Package Produktbild Front View L
eLearning CALYPSO Logics Competence Package Produktbild

für ZEISS Software

eLearning CALYPSO Logics Competence Package

470,00 €zzgl. USt.
Art des Trainings

Learning objective:

  • define the different types of patterns available in CALYPSO and explain the differences between them.
  • create and customize patterns on features and groups of features in a program
  • utilize formulas to tie calculations to one another
  • recognize applications and uses of formulas
  • explain the logic to set up conditions in CALYPSO and use conditions in characteristics
  • create conditional branching that involves more than one characteristic
  • loop a program for repeatability
  • adjust the order of run for patterned features and characteristics.
  • programming efficiency on: bore missing, mini-plans, multiple / evasion strategies, recall tools, self-center probing

Main focus: Improve programming efficiency and optimization for the following topics:

  • conditions, loops
  • patterns and formulas
  • multiple / evasion strategies
  • mini-plans
  • callback tools in CALYPSO


  • prior attendance of CALYPSO Level 1 recommmended
  • prior attendance of CALYPSO Level 2 recommmended
  • English language skills
  • Note: All training content available in English only! Target group Users of ZEISS CALYPSO

Duration: approx. 3 hours


ACHTUNG: Trainingsinhalte nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar!

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